Hymns from Auschwitz: A Tribute to Viktor Ullman and Michel Assael
Pianist, Composer, Soprano

Pianist, Composer, Soprano

Renan Koen started her studies in music with the flute in 1979, when the conductor of the Amherst College Choir discovered her talent during his stay in İstanbul for the International Music Festival.

Music Therapist

Renan Koen became the first female Turkish member of “La Societe Hellenique du Musicotherapie et Expression Creative“ Federation

Positive Resistance Through Holocaust Reality Workshops

'Positive Resistance' is the most important concept to teach young people from every religion, is highly important both for remembering the Holocaust and reflecting on this human tragedy, and for enabling young people to gain strength through their own Positive Resistance, to say “NO” to every kind of violence in their lives.

March of the Music Movement

This is a movement Renan Koen initiated with the aim of taking the young people who participated in the educational sessions to Terezin and allowing them to experience the place at first hand.